How We Work

Worker Qualification
Training & Induction
at Shukran

There are certain requirements workers of Shukran Services must complete to ensure the most effective protection of participants is adhered to and enforced by all workers.

There are certain requirements workers of Shukran Services must complete to ensure the most effective protection of participants is adhered to and enforce by all workers. These requirements may include training and induction requirements. Below outlines the requirements of Shukran Services’ workers, however, is not limited to:

  • Checked for Criminal records (Police Check)
  • Prior to providing support, workers must formally introduce themselves to all participants
  • Workers will be required to label their uniform with their name, to be clearly identified by participants
  • Ensure to provide a secure physical setting that ensures participants can safety access services
  • Child protection training
  • Incident management
  • Working with vulnerable individuals

We implement the Participant Rights and Responsibilities to allow Shukran Services and its workers to value the dignity of all individuals, including those with disabilities. To ensure they can effectively adhere to the rights and responsibilities of all participants, we are committed to implementing the necessary measures and strategies to do so. Shukran Services’ Client Charter outlines the rights and responsibilities of participants, and the strategic ways to ensure quality care is delivered at all times.

Shukran Services and its workers understand the importance of ensuring that all people with disabilities are treated with the same respect and dignity as others, as well as ensuring their rights and responsibilities are enforced equally.

Our Approach To
Achieving Highest
Levels of Participant
Care & Safety

Keeping the health, safety and well being of our participants at the highest priority, listed below are the four pillars of our work process that we as an organisation strictly adhere to.

Referral Support

Shukran Services displays and provides information on different services and resources for individuals to participate in community organisations Our Support staff cooperate with participants and work together to ensure they have selected the correct services and suggested referrals, with a clear understanding of why it would be beneficial for them and any potential challenges they might face. Support staff will work with the participant, identifying and discussing ways to potentially solve challenges.


The interview process will take into consideration information already given about the participant in their NDIS Plan. Management will recognise and provide resources and linkages to other services, events, activities and services where appropriate that will increase the involvement of the participant in the community. Shukran Services will provide support to assist participants in accessing those activities. Our Services’ supports will assist the participant in establishing, sustaining and improving independence, problem-solving, social and self-care skills, relevant to participant age, developmental stage and cultural surroundings. Support from Shukran Services will help participants gain control and responsibility of their decisions and improve their independence and community involvement.


Management will collaborate with the participant to formalise the supports and services provided in a Service Agreement by Shukran Services.

We promote and encourage participants to actively participate in their community. All workers of Shukran Services providing care for participants support participants in maintaining individuality and their development of skills.

Included in our aim is to encourage a service delivery approach that solely focuses on participants and their needs. Support workers aim to maintain participants associations with families, friends and communities.

Quality Service Delivery

Part of our goal is to implement quality service delivery that promotes the well-being of all participants and aims at achieving the participants’ personal best. To do this, Shukran Services will encourage all participants to maintain individuality and develop the necessary skills to maintain independence. Workers will also encourage all participants to engage in activities within the community that allow them to develop skills that are used on a daily basis such as problem solving and communication skills.

To identify the specific needs, wants and requirements of the individual, Shukran Services will utilise a specific approach that focuses on the strengths of the participants. This ensures participants recognise and understand the importance of kinship and family. The participant’s needs, aspirations, abilities and level of independence should become clear and evident as a result of utilising this approach.

Workers of Shukran Services will guide participants development of individuality by undertaking regular reviews on the participants progress and developing new plans to improve. These will be monitored through regular assessments.